Sunday, March 29, 2009

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Perfect Rolling Qajaq

Eureka, I found it! The elusive, perfect rolling qajaq. The one in which you can roll without any encumbrance - a feeling that you are totally free in the water, without even realizing you are in a qajaq. I knew I was looking for a qajaq with a low back deck and low volume overall, plus a good fit with the masik over mid-thighs. I found what I was looking for, but got so much more! The qajaq has a hard bottom (fiberglass over wood) and a soft top, complete with waterproof bulkheads fore and aft with access through small round hatches. It is a very innovative way to built a lightweight, durable qajaq. I am thrilled to have a unique qajaq built by a talented local builder. I couldn't be happier! Not only is this a perfect rolling qajaq, it is fun to paddle! I will post some pictures of my own as soon as I can. Click on title above (The Perfect Rolling Qajaq) for a link to the builder's pictures.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Delmarva Paddlers' Retreat, Lewes Delaware

Paddlers from as far as Greenland, Oregon, Washington State, Michigan, Florida and California met in Lewes, Delaware at Camp Arrowhead to share
skills and their love of Greenland qajaqs in the
20th annual Delmarva Paddlers' Retreat held
over the weekend of Oct 17-19, 2008.
Click on title above for slideshow

People at Delmarva

Views from the beach at Camp Arrowhead

Dan Segal and Alex Pak demonstrate a Greenland-style "T" rescue

Dan Segal and Brian Schulz up to the usual highjinks

Will Bigelow mentoring

Will has a real knack for getting you to do the right thing. There's not a lot of explaining, but just enough. Somehow, you trust him and you are inspired to try new things. Before you know it you've learned a new skill.

Alison Sigethy coaches Judy Segal

A riot of qajaqs covers the beach at Camp Arrowhead, Lewes, Delaware.

Greenland Nat'l Champ Maligiaq Padilla at Delmarva, October 18, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Winter at the YMCA in Waltham was the next best thing to hanging out at the pond. The water was certainly warm enough and the company was great. Here are a few pictures from March 14, 2008. Click on any image to see a larger view.
Some people just know how to have fun! Dan shows his incredible skill. Boy, it is fun to watch him!

Miriam's blue tuilik and yellow qajaq look so pretty on the turquoise water. Hey, Miriam, wake up!

What do you do when you are not paddling?
Rolling, of course!
Paul shows us how it's done, sans paddle, no less!
Do you see the dog in this picture?
Why is everyone right side up?
What's with that?
"Miriam", by Monet

This is Wayne's first day in his new qajaq that he designed. It was built by Fred Randall. Nice job, Fred. It floats! Whew! Judy is in her beautiful Goodnow replica (white).

Saturday, November 24, 2007

November at Walden

It's November and the water is cold. Brrrrr..... but not yet frozen, so a number of hardy souls meet with a new crop of qajaqs, different from the last batch, but equally beautiful.

First Post: Walden

On any given day, as long as the water is not frozen, you may meet a number of people at Walden Pond in Concord, MA who come to share their love of the qajaq. Here are some pictures from the fall of 2007.

The qajaqs are beautiful and many are museum replicas. Most were hand made by their owners and are prized possessions.